Your one-stop solution for all your computer information needs.
Option | Meaning |
/help | List all available command line arguments |
/shortReport | Create a Short Report file 4 |
/log | Create an HTML Report file |
/log[=filename2] | Create an HTML Report file |
/log:csv[=filename2] | Create a CSV Report file |
/log:html[=filename2] | Create an HTML Report file |
/log:json[=filename2] | Create a JSON Report file |
/log:txt[=filename2] | Create a TXT Report file |
/log:xml[=filename2] | Create an XML Report file |
/log:odbc | Save the Report into a database using ODBC (similar with siw2odbc) |
/zip | Compress the Report file |
/all | The Report file will include all modules(similar with /s:0xffffffff /h:0xffffffff /n:0xffffffff) |
/append | Append to an existing (CSV or TXT) Report File |
/silent | Run with low priority; don't display anything during report creation 1 |
/details | Create a Detailed Report |
/upload=protocol[:port]://[user:password@]url | Send the Report using protocol 3, 7 |
/email=address | Send the Report as email attachment 3 |
/body=message2 | Set email's body |
/subject=message2 | Set email's subject |
/smtp[[:port]] | Send email using SMTP Server 5 |
/ | SMTP User (Authentication) |
/smtpUser=user | SMTP User (Authentication) |
/smtpPass=password | SMTP Password (Authentication) 6 |
/smtpSecurity=SSL|TLS | Encrypted Connection Type |
/shutdown | Shutdown computer |
/restart | Restart computer |
/s:number | Set Options (Software) |
/h:number | Set Options (Hardware) |
/n:number | Set Options (Network) |
/noSDK | Don't use CPUID SDK |
/noWMI | Don't use WMI |
/noACPI | Don't use ACPI |
/ACPI | Use ACPI |
/maxwait=n | Wait maximum n seconds (default is 300 seconds) |
$xmlData = file_get_contents("php://input");
$fileName = $_GET['file_name'];
$fp = fopen("./" . $fileName , "w");
fwrite($fp, $xmlData);
// Mandatory reply
echo "SIW-OK";
Report Option | Decimal Value | Hex Value |
Operating System | 1 | 0x0000000001 |
Installed Updates | 65536 | 0x0000010000 |
Missing Updates | 131072 | 0x0000020000 |
Server Roles | 16384 | 0x0000004000 |
Optional Features | 32768 | 0x0000008000 |
System Directories | 2 | 0x0000000002 |
Installed Programs | 4 | 0x0000000004 |
Applications | 1048576 | 0x0000100000 |
Licenses | 1073741824 | 0x0040000000 |
Security | 8589934592 | 0x0200000000 |
System Files | 8 | 0x0000000008 |
Accessibility | 16 | 0x0000000010 |
Environment | 32 | 0x0000000020 |
Regional Settings | 134217728 | 0x0008000000 |
File Associations | 268435456 | 0x0010000000 |
Running Processes | 64 | 0x0000000040 |
Loaded DLLs | 524288 | 0x0000080000 |
NT Services | 128 | 0x0000000080 |
Software Drivers | 256 | 0x0000000100 |
Autorun | 1024 | 0x0000000400 |
Browser Helper Objects | 536870912 | 0x0020000000 |
Scheduled Tasks | 2048 | 0x0000000800 |
Databases | 2097152 | 0x0000200000 |
Audio and Video Codecs | 4194304 | 0x0000400000 |
Shared DLLs | 4096 | 0x0000001000 |
ActiveX | 8192 | 0x0000002000 |
Shell Extensions | 2147483648 | 0x0080000000 |
Protected Files | 262144 | 0x0000040000 |
Event Viewer | 17179869184 | 0x0400000000 |
Certificates | 34359738368 | 0x0800000000 |
WinRT Classes | 64 | 0x0000000040 |
Report Option | Decimal Value | Hex Value |
System Summary | 1 | 0x0000000001 |
Virtual Machine | 16384 | 0x0000004000 |
Motherboard | 2 | 0x0000000002 |
BIOS | 4 | 0x0000000004 |
CPU | 8 | 0x0000000008 |
Memory | 128 | 0x0000000080 |
Sensors | 8192 | 0x0000002000 |
Devices | 16 | 0x0000000010 |
PCI | 32 | 0x0000000020 |
System Slots | 64 | 0x0000000040 |
Network Adapters | 4096 | 0x0000001000 |
Video | 256 | 0x0000000100 |
Sound Devices | 1048576 | 0x0000100000 |
Storage Devices | 512 | 0x0000000200 |
Logical Disks | 131072 | 0x0000020000 |
Ports | 1024 | 0x0000000400 |
Battery and Power Policy | 262144 | 0x0000040000 |
Printers | 2048 | 0x0000000800 |
Resources | 2097152 | 0x0000200000 |
Report Option | Decimal Value | Hex Value |
Network Information | 1 | 0x0000000001 |
Extended Network Information | 64 | 0x0000000040 |
Network Statistics | 2 | 0x0000000002 |
Computers from Active Directory | 4096 | 0x0000001000 |
Groups from Active Directory | 8192 | 0x0000002000 |
Users from Active Directory | 16384 | 0x0000004000 |
Local Groups | 256 | 0x0000000100 |
Local User Accounts | 512 | 0x0000000200 |
Domain Groups | 1024 | 0x0000000400 |
Domain User Accounts | 2048 | 0x0000000800 |
System Accounts | 128 | 0x0000000080 |
Windows Firewall | 32 | 0x0000000020 |
Open Ports | 4 | 0x0000000004 |
Shares | 8 | 0x0000000008 |
Network Connections | 16 | 0x0000000010 |
Let's assume that you want to report the following items:
The value for the "/s" argument is 1 + 1048576 + 1073741824 = 1074790401 (or 0x00000001 + 0x00100000 + 0x40000000 = 0x40100001)
The value for the "/h" argument is 2 + 4 + 8 + 32 = 46
The value for the "/n" argument is 64 + 4 = 68
siw /log:html=\\server\share\%COMPUTERNAME%.html /s:0x40100001 /h:46 /n:68
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml /upload= /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68 /zip
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml /upload= /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml / /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" /smtpUser=user /smtpPass=pass / / /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68 /zip
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml / /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" / /smtpPass=pass / /smtpSecurity=TLS /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68 /zip
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml / /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" / /smtpPass=pass / /smtpSecurity=TLS /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68 /zip
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml / /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" / /smtpPass=pass / /smtpSecurity=TLS /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68 /zip
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml / /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" / /smtpPass=pass / /smtpSecurity=TLS /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68 /zip
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml / /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" / /smtpPass=pass / /smtpSecurity=TLS /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68 /zip
siw /log:xml=c:\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml / /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" / /smtpPass=pass / /smtpSecurity=TLS /s:1074790401 /h:46 /n:68 /zip